Compliance Spotlight: Easy Llama

EasyLlama: Revolutionizing Workplace Training with Modern, Accessible Solutions   In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, maintaining a knowledgeable and compliant workforce is more critical than ever. Traditional training methods, however, often fall short in terms of engagement and effectiveness. Enter EasyLlama, a cutting-edge training platform designed to deliver comprehensive, engaging, and accessible training solutions for… Continue reading Compliance Spotlight: Easy Llama

2024 FMLA Rules and Regulations

Navigating FMLA Rules in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers   The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has long been a cornerstone of workplace legislation, providing eligible employees with job-protected leave for qualifying medical and family reasons. As workplaces continue to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances, it’s crucial for employers to stay informed… Continue reading 2024 FMLA Rules and Regulations

Best Practices: Compliance Snapshot

Navigating Compliance: Best Practices for Employees in Today’s Workplace   In the ever-evolving landscape of regulations and legal requirements, compliance has become a cornerstone of modern workplaces. Ensuring adherence to laws, regulations, and company policies is not only essential for mitigating risks but also for fostering a culture of integrity, trust, and accountability within organizations.… Continue reading Best Practices: Compliance Snapshot

Platform Spotlight:

Revolutionizing HR Management: A Deep Dive into   In the fast-paced world of HR management, efficiency, accuracy, and simplicity are paramount. Enter, a comprehensive platform that promises to streamline and revolutionize the way businesses manage their HR, IT, and operations. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at, exploring its… Continue reading Platform Spotlight:

Fringe Benefits for Employees

Fringe benefits tax (FBT) to pay with personal income tax on fringe benefits they receive

Fringe benefits are defined by the IRS as being a kind of pay that’s awarded for the performance of services. A fringe benefit is often considered to be an extra offering outside of a business’s standard health insurance plans.   The employer is regarded as the provider of any fringe benefits that employees receive, even… Continue reading Fringe Benefits for Employees

Supreme Court Refuses To Overturn ACA

Compliance Concept. The meeting at the white office table

Supreme Court Refuses to Overturn the Affordable Care Act   Following a lawsuit filed by Republican state attorneys, the US Supreme Court voted against overturning the Affordable Care Act. The 7-2 vote came after the ACA was claimed to be unconstitutional following a change made by Congress back in 2017.   This is the third… Continue reading Supreme Court Refuses To Overturn ACA